Thursday, July 23, 2009

Recent cases that would have benefited from a Pet Health Insurance Plan or Pet Health Savings Account

Pet Health Insurance: Does your cat need it?

At the Scottsdale Cat Clinic we have recently seen a few cases that reinforce how helpful it can be to have pet insurance: a one-year-old cat with a broken leg requiring a $3000 surgery to repair it, a two-year-old cat with a urethral blockage (he couldn’t urinate) and needed extensive treatment to unblock his urethra and treat the complications, a ten-year-old cat with cancer (his dad couldn’t afford to pay for all the diagnostics and treatment needed). This is just a snapshot of the cases we see daily and age wasn't as much of a factor as many might think. Health complications can strike at any age. Most of them are never expected, foreseen or planned for, leaving the cat vulnerable and the owner feeling helpless if they don't have the funds necessary for treatment.

How does it work?

Pet insurance usually works by paying a percentage of the cost of veterinary care after a deductible is paid. The insurance reimburses you for the costs that you have paid to the veterinarian. There are many different insurance companies in the market today offering a wide variety of plans. Therefore you can choose the amount of coverage and size of the deductible, which determines the monthly cost of the premiums. There are plans which cover wellness care such as vaccines and exams. There are also plans that only cover illness or injury. These plans are less expensive and help you provide the care your cat needs when extensive testing or treatment are unexpectedly needed. Much like catastrophic coverage, you may not ever need it, but it will be there for you if and when you ever do.

Most insurance companies have an upper age limit determining which new cats they will accept under their plans. They also will not cover many pre-existing conditions. So it is best to start the insurance when your cat is young and healthy.

Visit our website at Scottsdale Cat Clinic to view a few of the pet health care companies we recommend.

Start a Savings Account $$

An alternative to pet insurance is to start a savings account for your cat. It might sound challenging but if you put a small amount every month into a separate savings account, the money will accumulate and be available for when your cat is ill. Some banks are even marketing a Pet Savings Account. If you're weighing your options visit the Pet Connection Blog for more insight and to help determine what works best for your household.

"I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become it's visible soul."
~ Jean Cocteau

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