Friday, August 8, 2008

Microchip Your Cat

If you haven't done so already, now is a good time to microchip your cat.

HomeAgain will donate $1 to the Winn Feline Foundation for every cat that is microchipped and enrolled as a HomeAgain full service member during the months of June, July and August.

“HomeAgain knows that, in our database, cats are underrepresented in comparison to the number of lost and found cat reports we receive,” says Steve Shell, vice-president and general manager of HomeAgain. “Twenty-two percent of pets in the HomeAgain database are cats, but we actually keep more cats than dogs as companion pets in the US. Cats are not as well identified as dogs, with collars and tags, or with microchips and registration, putting them at great risk of never getting reunited with their owners if ever lost."

The Winn Feline Foundation is a non-profit organization established 40 years ago by the Cat Fanciers’ Assoc. to promote the health and welfare of cats through education and research. Veterinarians and cat owners benefit every day from research funded by Winn. For more on cat health, visit Winn Feline Foundation.

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