If you are like most owners, you probably haven’t given much thought to your cat’s teeth. But like us, their teeth need care and regular check-ups.
Good oral health care can increase your cat’s life. Gingivitis and dental lesions can, of course, cause pain and discomfort for your cat, but it’s not just your cat’s teeth that are at risk. Inflammation and infection of the gums can lead to heart, kidney, and liver problems as bacteria and toxins travel through the bloodstream and to your cat’s organs. 70% of cats have gum disease by the time they are three years old.
Come learn how you can improve your cat’s life through proper dental health at the next Scottsdale Cat Clinic seminar. We will explain the procedure used for a proper professional cleaning, from x-rays to scaling and polishing of the teeth to application of a sealant. We will also discuss the procedures used to ensure your cat’s safety while under anesthesia, including blood work, intravenous fluids, constant monitoring, and pain relief administration.
Finally, we’ll discuss what you can do at home to keep your cat’s teeth healthy. Home care is vital to maintaining your cat’s oral and overall health. You will learn about the various methods and products available to keeping your cat’s teeth clean on a daily basis.
The seminar will be held at the Scottsdale Cat Clinic on Thursday, November 29th,6:30pm. Please bring along any friends or family who are interested. Light refreshments will be served.
This is the first of a quarterly series of client seminars at the Scottsdale Cat Clinic. Our seminars are a chance for you to learn more about the health care options for your cat as well as to meet the Scottsdale Cat Clinic staff on a more informal basis. We hope to see you soon.