The floor plan that changed the world. It was hard to fit a 4000 square foot clinic in 2000 square feet, but we did it. You can't quite see the detail in this shot, but if you look close enough--and squint your eyes and perhaps take a shot of bourbon--you can see:
--a spacious reception area
--three exam rooms
--a large boarding room with lots of windows for cats to gaze out and people to gaze in
--an isolation room for sick and contagious cats
--a large central room with a room divider creating a pharmacy on one side and treatment room on the other
--a surgery with windows onto both the treatment room and the outside world
--x-ray room
--two offices
--and a cozy lounge complete with washer, dryer, dishwasher and refrigerator.
There's a lot in there, but because we only treat cats, we could make the clinic a little cozier, a little more efficient, and a little nicer.