Monday, February 5, 2007

Laundry List

We spend a lot of our days running through a long check list of things to be... well, checked off. Dr. Karnia, still working for another clinic, leaves each morning with a list of things we have to do before she returns. Here's a typical example from today.

--Call about the progress on the outdoor sign
--Check with the post office about mail forwarding snafu
--Deliver a copy of the lease to the accountant
--Follow up on the yellow page ads
--Call insurance agent about insurance question
--Talk to bank about reimbursing for invoices
--Discuss with contractor the cost for gas lines for oxygen tanks
--Find out why the treatment table isn't in the plans for cabinetry
--Compare quotes on computer equipment
--Email pictures to web designer
--Stop whining and just do it

That last one seems to end up on every daily list. The lists are long, and while each item always looks like it will only take a few moments, almost none of them ever do.

Yet, the clinic moves forward, each day sees new things up and ready to go.

P.S. We had a fun time watching the first quarter of the Super Bowl. After that, the game wasn't as much fun. Go Bears! 2008 in Glendale!